IQ Licence Plate Recognition Real-Time Security Alert Help Pak n Save Drive-off Known-Vehicle From Their Store

IQ Security helped Pak N Save Westgate integrated licence plate recognition with Auror live online criminal database, giving Pak N Save Westgate live alerts as known vehicles enter their store.
The Client
Pak n Save Westgate is one of the 55 stores of New Zealand’s discount food warehouse chain which is owned by Foodstuffs cooperative. It is located in 17/19 Fred Taylor Drive, Massey, Auckland. Pak n Save is one of the supermarkets that offers the lowest overall food prices. They buy and stock their products in bulk in which help them reduce their prices and pass the savings on to their customers. Pak n Save’s cheaper cost has attracted a large number of shoppers to their store. Their customers shop at an average of 2.5 times a week. The store also prides in its practical and functional environment for shopping.

The Situation
Retail crime such as shoplifting, theft, burglary, fraud, debit card scamming is a never-ending battle of supermarkets just like Pak n Save Westgate. In a study conducted by Retail NZ and University Otago with 9000 NZ retailers, retail industry has recorded a collective loss of $1.1 billion a year and the vast majority of which is never recovered. Offenders are now becoming more brazen with their ways of stealing.
Pak N Save Westgate has been a long time Auror user. Store owner-operator Lance Gerlach says the Auror platform has offered his security team real value over the years giving them a tool to upload known offenders to the Auror database sharing this information with police, other stores and Auror users.
Although, theft or shoplifting is a reality for the most retail supermarket. Rather than dealing with the offender inside their store, Pak n Save wanted to drive them off even when they are about to enter their store.

Auror then supplies his security team a live portal and daily emails of known offenders in the area and as a result a noticeably improved response from police when the store needs police assistance.
The Problem
Although the Auror solution has proven to be a great security addition, the problem was the store security manager, Roberta needed to be watching the CCTV system. Rely on the memory of license plates and/or faces of the known offenders. Then walk the floor to establish if these people were on-site or not.
The Solution

IQ Security partnering with Auror and Carmen Go a proven licence plate recognition solution implemented an integration with the store’s current CCTV system delivering real-time alerts of known vehicle entering the store.
When a known vehicle drives into the store, an image of licence plates is scanned by the Entry camera, the sent to the licence plate recognition solution. This will be compared to Auror live database. If the number plate has a record of a hit or linked to an incident, this triggers the system to send an SMS to the allocated team. Meaning the security team has an instant understanding of anyone entering the store that matches the database resulting in significant crime reduction.

The Result
- Within 3 days of going live, the store had 5 known vehicles and one stolen vehicle enter the store. Recently, they have also trespassed 3 girls who had done a hit on a local liquor store.
- They get 10x car alert per day.
- More than 50% of apprehensions via IQ Licence Plate Recognition.
- 90% of the losses are recovered.

Roberta, security staff in Pak n Save has seen the valuable advantages of having IQ Licence Plate Recognition to their store. She has been in the security industry for more than a decade. She said that the LPR has greatly helped her not only for conveniently and efficiently monitoring the safety and security of their store but also gives her and family peace of mind. Through the real-time security alert that she received whenever a known-vehicle in the store premises, it allows her to know what to expect and anticipates the situation. It gives her overview of the offender’s record such as their appearance, description and previous crimes. This has helped her prepare a better strategic security approach in apprehending the known-trespasser. If it is grievous crime, she can assemble her team or call for police back up in an instance.

Why Get IQ LPR?
Cost Efficient – The IQ Security empowers the existing CCTV Camera system with Licence Plate Recognition integrated to The store owner has the option of whether to upgrade or use an existing CCTV System.
Crime Deterrent – When a known trespasser enters the parking area of the store, their vehicle is scanned through the Licence Plate Recognition. If it shows a record of hit or flagged, the security team will immediately be alerted through system notification and SMS alert. This gives them time to prepare the necessary action to prevent crime from occurring in their store
Prevent Dangerous Situations – The weight of working in the security industry has often pose dangerous challenges as most of the time criminals need to be confronted and apprehended. Licence Plate Recognition can help to protect the security team by alerting them as to what they should expect. For example, if a known trespasser is associated with a violent crime, the security officer could bring back-up or inform the police before confronting the offender.
Date Collection to Fight Crime – the accumulated licence plate data collected can be useful not only for retail businesses but also to the law enforcement agency. Police and retailers will have a better chance of linking evidence and solving crime against suspected offenders with all the information gathered through IQ LPR.
Lesser Security Manpower – with IQ LPR integration, retailer does not need to hire additional security guard to man post their store. With its faster and accurate collection of car licence plate it will reduced security staffing requirement.
Contact Us
To protect your store from crime before it even occurs, contact IQ Security specialist for Licence Plate Recognition integration to your security system.
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