Visitor Management System

Are you required to have a Visitor Control System? Do you know how many visitors are in your Facilities right now?
Health and Safety is one of the top priorities when it comes to security management and operation in New Zealand.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is New Zealand’s key work health and safety legislation focused in reducing work-related fatalities and injury.
It sets out the health and safety duties that must be complied with, including the responsibility of businesses to make sure everyone stays safe in the workplace, including not only the employees, but also any visitors and contractors.
What does it means?
It's important to keep an accurate record of all people in your premises (coming and going, arriving and departing), so you can also have information in case of any emergency.
What's more, it's also required that those visitors, contractors and employees get a safety briefing and/or receive all necessary instructions upon their arrival.
Many companies and businesses keep a book at their premises, but...
Have you though what would happen if there was an emergency requiring immediate evacuation?
How to make sure everyone is safe?
Gallagher Solution by IQ Security
Gallagher offers integrated Visitor Management Solution to meet the varying needs of our customers, from basic access control, through to critical sites with some of today’s highest security requirements.
The benefits are many:
- Improve your Visitor's experience and modernize your reception
- Increase your reception productivity (pre-registration of visits with automatic re-use of visitor details recorded on a prior visit and support for multiple visitors on a single visit)
- Make sure your visitors receive important health & safety information
- Get real time, accurate and updated information on visitors (including photos or fingerprints)
- Send manual or automated email/SMS notifications to hosts of visitors on arrival
- Keep this sensitive information private and protected
- Get easy access to all information and reports
Their focus on business efficiency and continuity ensures your core operations are effectively managed with total economy, providing a return on investment (ROI) greater than any other security platform.
That's why IQ Security is a Gallagher Certified Channel Partner, so we can integrate access control, intruder alarm and perimeter security solutions with real operational benefits.
You’ll have peace of mind with an intelligent security solution designed to ensure business can do their best to protect assets and keep people safe at all times.
From small facilities looking for basic protection, through to very complex premises requiring comprehensive protection with automation elements and intelligent protection, we have smart solutions to fit all your security needs and budget.
Call us Today!
Get in Touch with our Security Consultants
Call +64 9 441-7100
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Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
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Another Awesome Gallagher Solutions

Access Control
Secure site management, control and access
Gallagher offers flexible, integrated access control solutions to meet your security and business requirements.
Efficiently and reliably manage multiple access points to control risk, improve business efficiency, ensure business continuity and increase profitability.

Integrated Solutions
Real operational benefits
We believe security solutions are essential business systems, uniquely positioned to deliver value that goes beyond traditional security thinking.
The Gallagher solution fully integrates access control, intruder alarms, perimeter security and business policy execution - delivering unparalleled business efficiency.

Mobile Solutions
Security on the move
Whether it’s the flexibility to monitor a system from any location, or the convenience of using a smart phone in place of an access card, our extensive range of mobile solutions are designed to deliver user-friendly technology, underpinned by the strongest security.
Biometric Access Control: Fingerprint Terminals
Fingerprints are unique characteristics (each person has his/her own) and establish a person's identity to a very high degree of certainty.
The fingerprints readers are the most implemented identification to control access and provide the right level of security, at the exact places where it is needed, just by pressing a finger on a scanner.